With all the competition around it was hard to get the word out cost effectively, until now... Jess Jewelers (JessJewelers.com)
Tom Silverberg, President
Overall, the site exceeded our expectations. It also allows key members of our staff to make changes and updates to certain areas of the site without having to request tech support. Best of all, now that the site is completed, we have found, if needed, the tech support and customer service to be top notch and professional. Menorah Manor. (menorahmanor.org)
Judy Ludin, CFRE, Chief Development & Community Relations Officer
A-NIKS would like to thank the staff at Skilled Media Group for all the hard work and quality service they provide. We never have a challenge that they don’t have ideas for. Our web site rankings have improved 30% or more since they took over. We used to rarely receive web leads now we receive them daily. Thank you Kathy and to your team for the wonderful customer service and keeping the lingo easy for us to understand. A-NIKS Outdoor Comfort Solutions. (Aniks.com)
Debbie Erturk, V.P.
We've worked with a lot of Internet Marketing companies over the years but never had the good results like we're getting with Skilled Media Group. Beyond Borders Outfitters. (BeyondBordersOutfitters.com)
Capt. Rhett Morris, President